NEW SINGLE! Now available on itunes and other platforms.
I wrote Together Again (a song from isolation) in the darkest hours of lockdown during the pandemic.
Now, as the world begins to open up, we can appreciate what a gift it is to be "together again"
Please buy the single and SHARE!! Thanks for your support!
NEW EP - Patches of Blue Nov, 2020

New Single - Wide Awake 2020
Wide Awake is probably the most raw and personal song I have ever written. I actually wrote it back in 1999 when my dad was battling cancer. I recorded the first studio version just a few months before his death. It was the saddest and darkest time in my life and I remember experiencing the desire to be fully present - to feel all the feelings and not miss a moment even though it was horribly painful.
I have spent the last 20 years singing this song in my concerts and seeing how it resonated with people struggling with loss and grief. Although the song came out of a time of sadness, it is actually a message of hope. It’s a reminder that ALL of of our experiences - both the good and the bad - the joyful and the painful - are all filtered through the hands of a loving God. We just need to believe that he doesn’t make mistakes. Everything we go through is part of the experience of life.
I wanted to update the song and release a new version. With all that has happened in 2020, I felt like his was a good time for a reminder - a reminder to live every moment Wide Awake.
Check out the lyric video…

New Album - So Shall We Love: Songs of Worship and Faith
After a very successful kickstarter campaign, Ali Matthews is gearing up to release her brand new album! She has been hard at work putting the finishing touches on it, and is very excited to get it into her Fan’s hands. You can visit her kickstarter page to see what the project is all about.
If you missed the kickstarter, don’t worry, you can pre-order the new album directly from Ali on her Albums Page!
Click the beautful album artwork below to visit her kickstarter page.
New Uploads on Ali’s YouTube Page!
Ali has uploaded a few new songs and several classics to her YouTube page! Click here to check them out.
If you like what you hear, consider picking up one of her Albums.